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Simple Rigs for Float Fishing

posted on 16 August 2014 | posted in Hints and Tips

Here is 3 ways to try when Float fishing


rig 1
Fishing on the Bottom
Rig 2
Fishing Shallow or about 1foot of the top good if you get the roach feeding well or in summer
Rig 3
Fishing about 2 inch on the bottom , good for winter fishing and targeting bigger fish
must times you will get a lift bite fishing this way ie the float will pop up

TACTICS: Keep feeding maggots little and often to a float and keep recasting regularly, whether river or stillwater fishing. Roach may come up in the water, so fish really shallow, just 1-2ft under the float. Otherwise, expect to catch fishing hard on the bottom.

give them a go , but must of all if you are not getting a bite then try adjusting your depths , line , hook size ect
Hope it helps