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Saturday 15th August 2015 – junior match

posted on 15 August 2015 | posted in Articles / News

Yes it was that time again for this year's junior match and was all hoping for the weather to be nice for the children as it was wet a few days before


We all meet up around 9.30am and the sun was shining which was great news, so we decided to Fish from 10.30am to 11.30am all the children set up and enjoying the day


We then stopped for a Snack 11.30 - 12.30 which I must say a big thank you to Dave and Michelle again for doing a great job and giving up your time and everyone one else that offered there support for the day. Everyone enjoyed the hotdogs and cakes

We then fish again 1.00 - 2.30 then a Weigh in by Andy

Results below

1st, Lewis Gale - 5lb 5oz.


2nd, Jacob Cribb - 4lb 7oz including biggest fish 3lb 9oz Perch.


3rd, Rebeca Naylor - 2lb 8oz


4th, George Cribb - 2lb 0oz


5th, George Gale - 1lb 6oz


6th, Tinks - 1lb - 3oz


7th, Hayden Naylor - 02oz
8th, Faith - 01oz
9th, Jamie Cribb - no fish.

Hope you all enjoyed the day and look forward to next time